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THE HISTORY OF BEULAH BAPTIST CHURCH In about the year 1887, in the general area of West Oakland Avenue, a small number of Union Baptist Church members led by Rev. Mose Phillips, organized the Beulah Baptist Church. For about two years the founding body worshipped under a bush harbor. The first permanent building was erected in 1889. The only founding deacon accounted for was Dea. Dupree. Not one of the founding members is living at this time; however, reports indicated that the following members were among the founders: Sisters Emaline Coma, Emaline Dixon, Alice Haywood, Ella Wright, and Brother Paul Bailey. During the past 122 years, fourteen ministers have served this church. Their names follow in the order in which they served: Reverends. Mose Phillips, Dukes, Cisrol Ellis, J. H. Johnson, George Martin, J. H. Ponder, J. T. Lattimore, Fisher, H. L. Wimberly, W. J. Johnson, J. B. Branch, G. P. Pinkney, Sylvester Williams and our present pastor is Minister Veon Williams. Records show that the following persons have served as deacons of Beulah Baptist Church: Deacons Dupree, Paul Bailey, Oxford Daniels, Jim Smiley, Tolson, Henry Haywood, Richardson, Bradley, Oss Holmes, Pittman, Dave Fountain, Tom Pickett, E. Cisrol, F. Cochran, Will Harris Charles Revis, Frank Coma, J. T. Morrison, Douglass Campbell, Dave Washington, Steve Williams, George Holt, Pernell Smith, Joe B. Logan, Willie F. Johnson, Dan Washington, Henry Weary (who entered the ministry), Harry Marion, Willie Mills, Tess Lawrence, Sr., Jessie Horne, Ulysee Daniels, George Peoples, Sr., William Wims, Tess Lawrence, Jr., Zeddie Perry, Sr., Eddie Spence, Tommie Mathis Eligah Anderson, Bennie Graham and Jacob Isom. Our present board of deacons is as follows: Jimmy Redden, Benjamin Hayward, Hosea, Brinson, Jr., Harold Thomas, Robert Brown, Jr., Joe Frazier, Sr., Charles J. Jenkins, Kenneth Brown, Cartier Whitlock, Ronald Arline, Earnest Spence, David Burnett and Joseph White. Beulah Baptist Church has been blessed with twelve church mothers who have given the members inspiration and set a steady spiritual pace. They served in the following order: Sisters Emaline Coma, Emaline Dixon, Maggie Phillips Hamilton, Alice Haywood, Emma Holmes, Frances Pittman, Jessie B. Lawrence, Rosa Washington, Willie Mae Wright, Willie Mae Mills, Mazie Isom and presently serving Gustine Hayward. In September of this year Gustine Hayward was elected as the assistant mother of the church. According to reports seven superintendents have headed the Sunday School: Deacon. O. Daniels, Sis. Liza Hopkins, Deacon. A. Zantt, Brother. Joe B. Logan, Brother. Charles Revis, Deacon. Edward Williams, Sr., Deacon Jacob Isom and presently serving is Deacon Kenneth Brown. The record shows that the senior mission has had seven presidents: Sisters Annie Gaines, Jessie B. Lawrence, Rosa Washington, Willie Mae Wright, Minnie Hayward, Mazie Isom, and presently serving Sister Joann Brown. The following persons have served as clerks of the Beulah Baptist Church: Deacons Birden, Parnell, Borders, Smith, M. C. Collins, Fred Cochran, Harry Marion, Sisters A.B. Williams, Essie Peterson Horne, Ella Whitehead and presently serving Sis. Sandra Frazier. The assistant clerk is Sis. Gustine Hayward. The organization of the youth church in 1958, under the administration of Rev. J. B. Branch and M. W. Merritt, adopted into the church policies under the pastorate of Rev. G. P. Pinkney, added a new phase to our church history. The youth church has had several secretaries: Brothers Ulysee Spicer, Leon Thomas, Sisters Katie Thomas and Sandra Frazier. The youth church has grown rapidly and its members are being trained to take their places in society both spiritually and educationally. The present youth director is Sister Ann Bryant. As time has passed the pastors and members have worked together to add new items to the church, such as an organ, copying machine, outdoor bulletin board, kitchen equipment and furniture, choir chairs, a public address system, additional Sunday School rooms, offering tables and tithe box, a church bus, expansion of the kitchen and dining areas, new robes for the church choirs, and new drapes for the church. In 1990, the membership found itself without a leader. After intense prayer for guidance, the members sought and selected a new leader. The Lord heard our prayers and sent the congregation a great spiritual leader, Rev. Sylvester Williams. During his time with us several members were added to the church roster. Vans were purchased to transport members. New lights were installed in the sanctuary. Bible study class became both active and informative. Audio and video equipment was purchased. A church library was established. The front entrance to the sanctuary was enclosed. The dining hall was enlarged to create a fellowship hall. New windows were installed. A male choir and male usher board have been organized. New drapes have been added, the parking lot has been paved and a Pastor’s Aide Circle was organized. Under Reverend Sylvester Williams leadership a renewed sense of community service was also present. The members provided Thanksgiving dinner for the elderly and under privileged. In an aide to the sick and shut in, the members have gone caroling and given out fruit baskets on Christmas Eve. Reverend Sylvester Williams faithfully led the church for twenty years until his decision to retire in November 2010. Once again the congregation was in need for pastoral leadership. After much praying, the members selected Minister Veon Williams as the pastor. Minister Veon Williams accepted the invitation to become pastor on October 8, 2010. On November 7, 2010 Minister Veon Williams began serving as pastor. During his first year as pastor eleven members were added to the church. Under his leadership two brothers have been ordained as deacons: Deacon David Burnett and Deacon Joseph White. The deacon ministry was established to maintain contact with the members and to be responsive to their needs. Video and audio equipment was installed. Guidelines for a benevolence fund were established. New water fountains and an organ have been purchased. The church is still marching on with its outstanding leadership and its loyal followers. It is in the hopes and prayers of all, that the present and future members will look back with appreciation on this history, and be inspired to keep the pace set by those in the past who fought so hard to create what we know as the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church.